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Mexican and American legal system comparison

As we know, the Mexican and American legal systems treasure many differences. On the one hand, the legal system of the United States is the "Common Law" which is the same used by other Anglo-Saxon countries such as, of course, the United Kingdom. On the other hand, Mexico uses the "civil legal system" which is shared with many other Hispanic countries as a consequence of the Spanish colonization. Thanks to these and many more differences, we have a clear contrast on efficiency between these two governments. Civil Law originates from the Romans and is constituted by codes that seek to order the rights of citizenship through a written law (The Constitution). Therefore, the role of the judges is precisely to apply the norms approved by the parliament of the constitution.  Common-Law lacks a written law but is developed through the courts of law which are made up of judges who decide based on jurisprudence. Jurisprudence is the resolution of legal problems through custo

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