Risks Of Extreme Experiences In Life

The extreme experiences consist of activities carried out in fairly hazardous conditions, ideally by specialists with adequate physical and technical preparation. Nevertheless, their popularity is soaring considerably in recent years and they are increasingly practiced by inexperienced as a hobby or by dumb amateurs who only seek adrenaline in circumstances that might be deadly.

Many types of sports offer to experience severe activities in different environments. Skiing, snowkiting, skateboarding, mountaineering, and even the popular parkour that take place on land. Surfing, water skiing, kitesurfing, kayaking, cave diving, and rafting are practiced in the sea. In the air, we find sports such as skydiving from a building or an airplane.
The degrees of risk when practicing these sports depend on various factors. Firstly, these must not be performed by just anyone; physical requirements, youth, years of training, strength, endurance, and dexterity are required. As a matter of fact, those who suffer from overweight, physical problems of extremities, hypertension, heart disease take the plunge even more due to the great adrenaline rush and tension to which they expose themselves when doing them. Therefore, It’s of utmost importance to mention that all extreme sports carry a certain risk and might even lead to fatal accidents. For Instance, boxing, free climbing, and mountaineering are among the ten most dangerous extreme sports. In addition, these activities might cause physical injury, as in the case of many surfers who sometimes lose limbs due to a bite from a marine animal. 

Bottom line, many sequelae result after performing risky sports without the required preparation, from arrhythmias, syncope, cardiovascular diseases, to sudden death. In order to avoid them, gradual progress held by professionals is recommended.

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