My expectations of the course

In my view, the duration of the course is too short to set many goals but still I am sure that in such a short time I can achieve incredible changes! 

My biggest problem is remembering the spelling of even the most basic words so my main focus is trying to improve it by writing everything in a notebook and not on my phone because always shows me how to do it so it makes it impossible for me to get better. 

Secondly, I must expand my vocabulary and my lexicon because I have a serious problem with the use of fillers when writing and speaking, so I will read from various resources and be attentive to the words and expressions that I do not know. I reckon it is enough to study at least 10 new words per day to bring about significant changes!

Finally, I must admit that I am not satisfied with my speaking level to be in C1 grade, so I will be encouraged to participate in class and accept feedback from my classmates and teachers with great pleasure. 😃

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