Course Observations

I am satisfied with my progress during the course! 😃

I was not very pretentious so I did not set difficult goals to achieve. My greatest aspiration was to improve my speaking skills and I consider I succeeded!
The classes seemed very good to me because they allowed me to participate in all the sessions. I am convinced that my perseverance allowed me to improve. I'd even dare to say that I feel more confident speaking English than I used to before. I must admit that I learned a bunch of vocabulary thanks to the fact that during the classes, we practiced the vocabulary from the textbook.

I also set out to improve my writing skills. Frankly, I'm still struggling but I reckon the key is to keep practicing so my writing skills don't get rusty 😅

Without further ado, I firmly believe that the responsibility for our learning lies with ourselves. It was a great course!  I really enjoyed it!

Thanks so much!

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