About myself

How's it going, guys? 

All of my friends call me Alejandro 😉

I'm 20 years old, and I'm studying for a degree in teaching English. I decided to study this career because my aspiration has always been to become a teacher from a very young age. 

I'm a language lover. At the moment, I only study English and Italian but in the future, I hope to become a polyglot person.

My dream is to travel abroad to improve my English and then return and work in my country. I not only study, but I also dedicate myself to taking care of my parents' business when I have time to spare. 

In my family business, we sell arcade video games, foosball, pool tables, slot machines ...

In my free time, I love playing the guitar and exercising at home.

I consider myself an outgoing and very peaceful person, I do not like to get involved or cause problems. As a friend, I am supportive; I like to help others even if they do not ask me. Although, some people tend to take advantage of my nobility and seek me out just for convenience. In general, I am an equanimous person who knows how to control his emotions, and I do not get upset easily but when others cross my limits I might be very impulsive.

Throughout my academic life, I have realized that I am very absent-minded and it is difficult for me to understand my teachers, but nevertheless, many of them have praised me for my perseverance to learn on my own and achieve my goals.

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